Properly handling keyboard input

Working with Windows, such a seemingly simple task such as handling keyboard input can turn into a small engineering nightmare. There is a myriad of deceitful APIs for basically doing the same thing, yet every single one of them has its own flaws. This post details how this was solved in Molecule – read on for a journey through Windows hell.

In order to get everybody on the same page, make sure to read this article about keyboard scan codes – it is a good introduction to the underlying hardware (mess).

Essentially, those scan codes (which can depend on the keyboard being used) will be turned into so-called virtual key codes which make sure that keys pressed on different manufacturers’ keyboards will result in the same code.

So all is well – or not.

In addition to the above, virtual key codes were designed in a way such that different physical keys will carry out the same operation in a program, e.g. the default “Enter” key and the numpad “Enter” or the left-hand and right-hand “Shift” and “Control” keys. But more than often, we want to be able to map different physical keys to different inputs in a game, like e.g. in a FPS. The problem here is that virtual key codes and physical keys do not share a 1:1 relationship, which means that different physical keys can end up having the same virtual key code (like in the examples above). Professional gamers often need to map different actions to certain keys, hence the above is a problem which needs to be solved.

In addition to the obvious contenders for problematic keys, there are a few others which will cause problems if we only deal with virtual key codes. The following is a list I assembled while implementing Molecule’s keyboard handling:

  • Left-hand / right-hand “Shift”, “Control” and “Alt” keys – for obvious reasons.
  • “Enter” / “Numpad Enter” – for obvious reasons.
  • “Insert”, “Delete”, “Home”, “End”, “Prior”, “Next”, Arrow keys / corresponding keys on the numpad – the virtual key codes of the latter depend on the state of “Numlock”.
  • “Alt Gr” on german (and other) keyboards – “Alt Gr” is not the same as right-hand “Alt” on US keyboards, it essentially is a short-cut for “Control” and right-hand “Alt”.
  • “Print/SysRequest” – “Print” is internally handled as a hotkey in Windows because it has a special meaning.
  • “Pause/Break” – this key is a mess in itself because “Pause” and “Break” act as if they are different physical keys, which of course they are not.
  • “Numlock” – again, because it has a special meaning and additionally triggers something inside the hardware internally.

Having identified the culprits we have to deal with, let’s look at our options for capturing keyboard input using Windows:

As stated in the beginning, everyone of the above has its own quirks and shortcomings, at which we will look now.


Quoting MSDN, “The use of DirectInput for keyboard and mouse input is not recommended, Windows messages should be used instead” already says a lot. Microsoft advises against using their own API for keyboard and mouse input, and rightfully so for several reasons:

  • No support for keyboard repeat at the rate the user has set in the control panel – you have to re-invent the wheel.
  • No support for keyboard layouts other than US-English.
  • Others.

Not supporting any other layout than US-English is a big WTF in my book, and immediately disqualifies DirectInput as an option for handling keyboard input. If you’re still using DirectInput for this purpose and are reading this, make sure to never use e.g. “Y” or “Z” (and non-US keys) for any of your input, or you will piss people of.

WM_* messages

Listening to WM_CHAR messages is perfect for handling input for text fields (e.g. player name entry), because it automatically handles the state of the “Shift”-keys, IMEs, software-generated keys, and everything else. But it is the wrong option for high-speed, undelayed keyboard input often used in games – this is what WM_KEYDOWN is for.

Looking at the WM_KEYDOWN message, we can see that it will be sent for non-system keys (“Alt” is not pressed at the same time), and that in addition to the scan code it exhibits several additional bits such as bit 24 (extended bit), indicating whether the key is an extended key or not. Distinguishing the left-hand/right-hand “Shift” keys cannot be done by looking at the extended bit, but there’s the MapVirtualKey API for that. Additionaly listening to the WM_SYSKEYDOWN message enables us to correctly distinguish between left-hand and right-hand versions of the “Shift”, “Control” and “Alt” keys.

Unfortunately, when pressing “Alt Gr” on a german keyboard, Windows will send two messages – one for “Control”, and one for “Alt”, because that is what it originally was intended for. Therefore, it is impossible to distinguish between the “Alt” and “Alt Gr” keys on a german keyboard, which is a bit of a letdown. Other applications suffer from the same problem – try customizing any short-cut in Visual Studio with e.g. “Alt Gr + O”, and it will show up as “Ctrl + Alt + O”.

Additionally, some special keys such as “Print” will neither send a WM_KEYDOWN nor a WM_SYSKEYDOWN message, hence we have to try a different API.

GetKeyState and other APIs

In theory, you could call GetKeyboardState once a frame, grab the status of each of the keys, and forget about the rest. The problem with this API is that like the Windows messages, it isn’t low-level enough to provide us with a single key for “Alt Gr”, but rather notifies us about two key-presses instead. Bummer.

Low-level hooks

One would think that with something as low-level as event or system hooks, the above problems could be solved. Alas, “Alt Gr” will still result in two messages being sent. In addition to that, using low-level hooks for handling keyboard input is considered bad practice anyway, hence we’re not going down that road any further. In case you want to try it for yourself, here’s the code:

LRESULT CALLBACK HookProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

  if ((wParam == WM_KEYDOWN) || (wParam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN))
    ME_LOG0("Hook", "Virtual key code: %d", p->vkCode);

  return CallNextHookEx(NULL, nCode, wParam, lParam);

// application start
HHOOK hook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, HookProc, instance, 0);

// make sure to have a message pump somewhere

// application shutdown

Raw input

So here we are, at the lowest possible level of capturing input events. The raw input API is relatively new, therefore many programmers are still unfamiliar with it. MSDN has an introduction on the topic, and here’s some code for enabling raw input in your application:

device.usUsagePage = 0x01;
device.usUsage = 0x06;
device.dwFlags = RIDEV_NOLEGACY;        // do not generate legacy messages such as WM_KEYDOWN
device.hwndTarget = hWnd;
RegisterRawInputDevices(&device, 1, sizeof(device));

The above will enable raw input for keyboard devices in your application, which can in turn be received by listening to WM_INPUT messages. The different usages and usage pages of HID devices are described in the USB HID Usage Tables document, which is where I got the above numbers from.

Getting input data from WM_INPUT messages is simple:

case WM_INPUT:
  char buffer[sizeof(RAWINPUT)] = {};
  UINT size = sizeof(RAWINPUT);
  GetRawInputData(reinterpret_cast<HRAWINPUT>(lParam), RID_INPUT, buffer, &size, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER));

  // extract keyboard raw input data
  RAWINPUT* raw = reinterpret_cast<RAWINPUT*>(buffer);
  if (raw->header.dwType == RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD)
    const RAWKEYBOARD& rawKB = raw->data.keyboard;
    // do something with the data here

A RAWKEYBOARD packet provides us with the following data:

     * The "make" scan code (key depression).
    USHORT MakeCode;

     * The flags field indicates a "break" (key release) and other
     * miscellaneous scan code information defined in ntddkbd.h.
    USHORT Flags;

    USHORT Reserved;

     * Windows message compatible information
    USHORT VKey;
    UINT   Message;

     * Device-specific additional information for the event.
    ULONG ExtraInformation;

Scan code, flags, virtual key code – everything is at our disposal. And because we are at the lowest level now, pressing “Alt Gr” will result in one single message being sent – perfect!

Unfortunately, all is not well yet. Some keys still cause troubles, even with the WM_INPUT model:

  • The virtual key code doesn’t distinguish between left-hand and right-hand keys such as “Shift”, “Control” and “Alt”, and the scan code depends on the keyboard hardware. Hence, we still have to use MapVirtualKey for distinguishing between left-hand and right-hand versions. Surprisingly, MapVirtualKey will not work correctly for “Control” and “Alt” (who would have thought), but luckily we can decipher those by looking at the e0 and e1 bits.
  • There’s still problems regarding the numpad keys, as stated above.
  • Keys like “Pause/Break” and “Numlock” act strangely, sometimes like they are not even the same physical key – they use so-called escaped sequences which we have to decipher.

Assuming we have our “RAWKEYBOARD” packet ready, let’s start fixing this mess:

UINT virtualKey = rawKB.VKey;
UINT scanCode = rawKB.MakeCode;
UINT flags = rawKB.Flags;

if (virtualKey == 255)
  // discard "fake keys" which are part of an escaped sequence
  return 0;
else if (virtualKey == VK_SHIFT)
  // correct left-hand / right-hand SHIFT
  virtualKey = MapVirtualKey(scanCode, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK_EX);
else if (virtualKey == VK_NUMLOCK)
  // correct PAUSE/BREAK and NUM LOCK silliness, and set the extended bit
  scanCode = (MapVirtualKey(virtualKey, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC) | 0x100);

Some of the keys using escaped sequences will send “fake” keys with a virtual key code of 255, which we simply discard because there’s not much information to gather from them. The “Shift” key is handled using MapVirtualKey, which takes care of mapping the hardware scan code to the correct virtual key code constant such as VK_LSHIFT or VK_RSHIFT. The last if-clause corrects the scan code of VK_NUMLOCK messages, because believe it or not, the “Numlock” key will send the same scan code as the “Pause/Break” key, but a different virtual key code!

In addition to that, the MapVirtualKey API is knowingly buggy, and forgets about setting the extended bit for the scan code. In case you wondered what the scan code is used for, have a look at the GetKeyNameText API, which returns a human-readable string for each key on the keyboard while still correctly handling different keyboard layouts. Such an API is extremely handy and can be used for e.g. displaying input mappings in an option screen, but it needs the scan code (and extended bits) to do its job.

Having the correct scan code and virtual key code ready, let’s try to decipher the rest:

// e0 and e1 are escape sequences used for certain special keys, such as PRINT and PAUSE/BREAK.
// see
const bool isE0 = ((flags & RI_KEY_E0) != 0);
const bool isE1 = ((flags & RI_KEY_E1) != 0);

if (isE1)
  // for escaped sequences, turn the virtual key into the correct scan code using MapVirtualKey.
  // however, MapVirtualKey is unable to map VK_PAUSE (this is a known bug), hence we map that by hand.
  if (virtualKey == VK_PAUSE)
    scanCode = 0x45;
    scanCode = MapVirtualKey(virtualKey, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC);

Again, for some keys like VK_PAUSE, their scan code needs to be corrected because they are part of an escaped sequence (identified by e1). It doesn’t really help that MapVirtualKey is unable to map VK_PAUSE because of an API bug.

Luckily, the rest of the bunch can be deciphered easily:

switch (virtualKey)
  // right-hand CONTROL and ALT have their e0 bit set
  case VK_CONTROL:
    if (isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::RIGHT_CONTROL;
      virtualKey = Keys::LEFT_CONTROL;

  case VK_MENU:
    if (isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::RIGHT_ALT;
      virtualKey = Keys::LEFT_ALT;

  // NUMPAD ENTER has its e0 bit set
  case VK_RETURN:
    if (isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_ENTER;

  // the standard INSERT, DELETE, HOME, END, PRIOR and NEXT keys will always have their e0 bit set, but the
  // corresponding keys on the NUMPAD will not.
  case VK_INSERT:
    if (!isE0)
    virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_0;

  case VK_DELETE:
    if (!isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_DECIMAL;

  case VK_HOME:
    if (!isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_7;

  case VK_END:
    if (!isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_1;

  case VK_PRIOR:
    if (!isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_9;

  case VK_NEXT:
    if (!isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_3;

  // the standard arrow keys will always have their e0 bit set, but the
  // corresponding keys on the NUMPAD will not.
  case VK_LEFT:
    if (!isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_4;

  case VK_RIGHT:
    if (!isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_6;

  case VK_UP:
    if (!isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_8;

  case VK_DOWN:
    if (!isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_2;

  // NUMPAD 5 doesn't have its e0 bit set
  case VK_CLEAR:
    if (!isE0)
      virtualKey = Keys::NUMPAD_5;

In addition to distinguishing between left-hand and right-hand versions of certain keys, the above switch-statement also makes sure that keys on the numpad will always be reported as such, no matter if “Numlock” is enabled or not. Otherwise, input mappings might suddenly not work any more (depending on the state of the “Numlock” key).

And for completeness sake, here’s code for detecting whether a key was up or down, and for getting a human-readable string:

// a key can either produce a "make" or "break" scancode. this is used to differentiate between down-presses and releases
// see
const bool wasUp = ((flags & RI_KEY_BREAK) != 0);

// getting a human-readable string
UINT key = (scanCode << 16) | (isE0 << 24);
char buffer[512] = {};
GetKeyNameText((LONG)key, buffer, 512);

Finally, we have a system in place which can detect keypresses of every single button on the keyboard (even the “weird” ones), distinguish between certain physical keys resulting in the same virtual key code, and even correctly handles exceptions to the rule like the “Break” key, which e.g. could be used to immediately trigger a breakpoint in the running program.

Reading my own post makes me realize again why it took me 1 1/2 days to figure all of that out. Talk about messed up APIs.

50 thoughts on “Properly handling keyboard input

    • Yes, and I would also like to write about how to map different physical inputs (keyboard, mouse, gamepad, etc.) to logical inputs (fire, jump, menu back, etc.)

      All of that, as well as other devices and platforms has to wait until future posts. This post only handled lowest-level input used by the higher-level systems.

  1. Pingback: Wiring physical devices to abstract inputs | Molecular Musings

  2. Hi, I’m wondering where you took your Keys::Numpad_Enter value? Afaik, it isn’t defined in the MSDN virtual key code list. Did you just define a random undefined value for your own use?

  3. Ah… nevermind, gladly found after even more thorough testing, that the Enter key on the numpad was defined as VK_SEPERATOR in the MSDN list or virtual key codes.

    Thanks a lot for the very enlightening post btw!!! 🙂

  4. Hi Stefan,

    I happed across your musings about raw input and was wondering if you found a way to access the special keys on the keyboard. Keys like BrowserForward/Backward, play, stop, pause. webhome etc. They are I guess considered multimedia keys.

    I have been researching this and I can’t seem to find an answer.



    • Hi Steve,

      I took the liberty of moving your comment to the corresponding blog post.
      Regarding your question, I don’t think you can or should handle those keys yourself because they differ between keyboard vendors. That needs to be taken care of by the OS and driver.

      What you should do instead is listen to WM_APPCOMMAND messages in your message loop, and respond to those. Using GET_APPCOMMAND_LPARAM you can extract the different commands from the message’s lParam, such as one of the following: APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_NEXTTRACK, APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_STOP, APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE, etc. Look it up on MSDN, there should be more info there.

      Hope that helps!

  5. Hi Stefan,

    How do you handle keys with multiple characters on it?
    For example if I want an ‘@’ , I would press SHIFT + 2. But with the raw input, I get a ‘SHIFT’ and ‘2’.
    The shift state can be stored in a bool/flag so when the ‘2’ arrives, I know I actually want a ‘@’, but how do you translate the scancode and/or virtualcode ?
    I could probably have a huge switch statement but isn’t there a cleaner solution you know of?

    • Raw input (or generally the kind of input that is mostly used for games) tells you the state of each key individually. E.g. shooting, jumping, walking around, etc. would all be different keys.

      If you want to test for characters instead of keys (e.g. for text input or similar), you’re better off listening to WM_CHAR directly. Quoting the post: “Listening to WM_CHAR messages is perfect for handling input for text fields (e.g. player name entry), because it automatically handles the state of the “Shift”-keys, IMEs, software-generated keys, and everything else.”

      So that’s what I would recommend.

  6. Some testing here in Windows XP showed that LCONTROL WM_*KEY* events generated when German AltGr was pressed had a time value of 2 rather than a real time stamp. I haven’t checked this in other Windows systems (not even other XP ones), but that could potentially be useful information.

  7. Pingback: Trouble with various input API's (RAWINPUT, WINAPI) | BlogoSfera

  8. Hi Stefan,

    I want to listen key combinations like Ctrl+Enter, Ctrl+Alt+Delete etc what would you recommend for this.


    • Well, you are able to check for single keys with the technique described in this post. So if you want to listen to combinations like Ctrl+Enter, just check whether the individual keys are pressed.

  9. Hi, you say a con for not using DirectInput is “No support for keyboard repeat at the rate the user has set in the control panel – you have to re-invent the wheel.” But doesn’t direct input just hook the WM_INPUT message, i mean it uses raw input underneath, which means raw input has no support for key repeat either. How should i handle text input? Should I use WM_CHAR in conjunction with raw input?

    • For text input in e.g. dialogs and controls, I would recommend against using raw input, and go with WM_CHAR instead. As stated in the post, this automatically takes into account control panel settings, IME, etc.

  10. Unless I’m missing something, it looks like the example code is missing a necessary check that the result of MapVirtualKey for VK_SHIFT is either VK_LSHIFT or VK_RSHIFT. This comes up when holding shift while pressing something on the numpad while num lock is on.

    For example, with NUM LOCK ON, this sequence of inputs produces these messages (numerical values are in hex):
    +shift +numpad_7 -numpad_7 -shift
    MakeCode=002a VKey=0010 (VK_SHIFT) MapVirtualKey=00a0 (VK_LSHIFT) Message=00000100 (WM_KEYDOWN) Flags=0000 ( )
    MakeCode=0047 VKey=0010 (VK_SHIFT) MapVirtualKey=0024 (VK_HOME) Message=00000101 (WM_KEYUP) Flags=0000 ( )
    MakeCode=0047 VKey=0024 (VK_HOME) MapVirtualKey=0024 (VK_HOME) Message=00000100 (WM_KEYDOWN) Flags=0000 ( )
    MakeCode=0047 VKey=0024 (VK_HOME) MapVirtualKey=0024 (VK_HOME) Message=00000101 (WM_KEYUP) Flags=0001 ( BREAK )
    MakeCode=0047 VKey=0010 (VK_SHIFT) MapVirtualKey=0024 (VK_HOME) Message=00000100 (WM_KEYDOWN) Flags=0001 ( BREAK )
    MakeCode=002a VKey=0010 (VK_SHIFT) MapVirtualKey=00a0 (VK_LSHIFT) Message=00000101 (WM_KEYUP) Flags=0001 ( BREAK )

    You’ll notice that it reports an extra shift key with the scancode for the home key. For game input, this message should be dropped.

    You’ll find a similar pattern with NUM LOCK OFF, but your code handles this one fine because the virtual key doesn’t report as shift.
    +shift +home -home -shift
    MakeCode=002a VKey=0010 (VK_SHIFT) MapVirtualKey=00a0 (VK_LSHIFT) Message=00000100 (WM_KEYDOWN) Flags=0000 ( )
    MakeCode=002a VKey=00ff ([invalid]) MapVirtualKey=00a0 (VK_LSHIFT) Message=00000100 (WM_KEYDOWN) Flags=0002 ( E0 )
    MakeCode=0047 VKey=0024 (VK_HOME) MapVirtualKey=0024 (VK_HOME) Message=00000100 (WM_KEYDOWN) Flags=0002 ( E0 )
    MakeCode=0047 VKey=0024 (VK_HOME) MapVirtualKey=0024 (VK_HOME) Message=00000101 (WM_KEYUP) Flags=0003 ( BREAK E0 )
    MakeCode=002a VKey=00ff ([invalid]) MapVirtualKey=00a0 (VK_LSHIFT) Message=00000101 (WM_KEYUP) Flags=0003 ( BREAK E0 )
    MakeCode=002a VKey=0010 (VK_SHIFT) MapVirtualKey=00a0 (VK_LSHIFT) Message=00000101 (WM_KEYUP) Flags=0001 ( BREAK )

    Hope that makes sense and I’d love to hear if you get different results. Windows input is a bit of a mess 🙂

    • I know this is a _long_ time ago, but I was wrestling with this for a pleasant way to solve this.

      Assuming the following:

      CONST RAWKEYBOARD *CONST lpKeyboardData;
      USHORT nKey, nMappedKey;

      nKey = lpKeyboardData->VKey;
      nMappedKey = MapVirtualKey(lpKeyboardData->MakeCode, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK_EX);

      Then the expression: `VK_SHIFT != nKey || (VK_SHIFT == nKey && (VK_LSHIFT == nMappedKey || VK_RSHIFT == nMappedKey))` is as “nice looking” as the test can be and correctly prevents these ghost keys.

      Only read the keyboard data if that expression and `0xFF != nKey` is true.

  11. Am I missing something here? I ma getting an error on VS2013 about the Keys:: class. Where is this sodding Keys class?? Error C2653: ‘Keys’ : is not a class or namespace name.

  12. Ah ok. I didn’t realise I had to create it myself. Thanks for the good tutorial by the way. It works very well.

  13. Sorry I’ve not really used enums before. Is it something like this:

    enum class Keys : UINT
    LEFT_CONTROL = 0xA2,

    I get an error saying ‘=’ : cannot convert from ‘Keys’ to ‘UINT’

  14. Ok, I’ve simplified it a bit and come up with this which seems to be working ok:

    enum Keys
    LEFT_CONTROL = 0xA2,

    What is the namespace for? Also what really is the point of setting virtualKeys inside the switch control? I mean, you already know that the Control key is pressed (because of virtualKey) so its just a matter of checking isE0 to know which exact key has been pressed and branching off to some other handling function to perform the neccessary handling. Why waste time explicitly setting virtualKey like this? I don’t see what the need is to do that.

    • What is the namespace for?

      Which namespace do you mean?

      Also what really is the point of setting virtualKeys inside the switch control? I mean, you already know that the Control key is pressed (because of virtualKey) so its just a matter of checking isE0 to know which exact key has been pressed and branching off to some other handling function to perform the neccessary handling. Why waste time explicitly setting virtualKey like this? I don’t see what the need is to do that.

      That’s exactly what the function does, isn’t it? It checks whether isE0 is set, and branches into e.g. setting either LEFT_CONTROL or RIGHT_CONTROL. I don’t branch of to some other handling function because handling the keys themselves is not done in this function.

      Deciphering which keys have been pressed based on the raw input packets is only done once per frame. The state of each key is set based on the packets received, and can later on be polled by other engine systems (or the user) during a frame. The point is that deciphering is only done once per frame (and cached), and checking whether certain keys (or buttons) are pressed becomes a simple one-liner. Furthermore, most gameplay relevant inputs should not check inputs directly, but use a more high-level approach like the one described in my second post about this subject.

      • I just used F13 as a reference. What I really want is to read codes that Windows hasn’t defined a “virtual code” to. 0x07, 0x88-8F, etc

      • If Windows hasn’t assigned a certain meaning to a key code, it is your job to do so. In case of extended keys such as F13, media player, etc. which are not standardized across keyboards, you need to know which code a key corresponds to.

        I guess that you would get that information either from the keyboard manufacturer, or by using a third-party API.

        Which key, specifically, did you have in mind? You cannot generically handle codes that don’t have a virtual key code without knowing what to look for :).

      • Thanks a lot for reply. Hard to explain, but I am a keyboard manufacturer :). The weird keys are used for Linux keyboard or proprietor industrial equipment that they want special codes for. For instance, a company may want F13 send 3 codes when pressed – a 0, shift and F1. They want the 0 first for some reason. And Linux can see exactly that. And we need to test for that.

        Linux works fine for testing purposes, but just wanted to have something that works in Windows.

      • Oh ok, now we’re talking :).
        In that case, what do you get when you just listen to the raw input being sent from Windows?

        Grab all the WM_INPUT messages, and check their RAWKEYBOARD data (as described in the blog). I’m curious what you’ll get.

      • I’m using WndProc() to get the messages. on some keys it doesn’t even trigger it, so can’t get anything. Not sure if there is another hook that can be called before WndProc. Like say a key is sending 0 0x81 0x81 or 0 0x81 0x85, Windows has no chance to even see it, while Linux (and Mac) can.
        WIll look into it more when get a chance

  15. Hi Stefan,

    greetings from Germany. What an excellent work you have provided indeed. In contributing to assistive technology tools, as a part-time developer, I was faced with trapping key strokes for the first time recently, and specifically hit a wall as regards the AltGr key on the German keyboard. After digging through the internet for like a whole week or more, leaving me as clueless as I could be, I came across your article, which not only explained what is going on under the surface and quite clearly stating that anything other than the Raw Input API just won’t cut the mustard, but has also given just all the code that’s needed to resolve the mess within a wink of an eye.

    Big cudos, and thanks so much.

  16. Pingback: Efficient input bindings – Brendan Makes Software

  17. Fabulous article
    I am implementing improvements to the VCC emulator (computer 3 color emulator of radio shack), and just use direcinput and I have problems using the keys of the num panel compared with the simple arrows even if I compensate the numlook. I also want to put international keyboard support.
    I will build on what you put in your article, although I may take the easy path and use the VM_CHAR AND WM_INPUT messaging

  18. This was a brilliant breakdown of the subject. Thank you for your contributions.

    Do you have a completed file with the code uploaded on GitHub or somewhere for reference?

  19. TranslateMessage for some reason makes rawinput behaves really oddly.. Its like it buffers and delays keyspress due the WM_CHAR messages it generates. I cant find a way to have both work at the same time. So the only option is to activate rawinput and disable translatemessage + legacy input, and activate translatemessage and legacyinput when needed for text input…Major pain in the ass.
    Am I the only one with this issue?

  20. This was extremely helpful and insightful and shows that MSDN documentation and practical examples/instructions are lacking.

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