What happened to the Molecule Engine?

Every now and then, I get asked about the current status of the Molecule Engine, whether there is an evaluation version to download, or if an Indie license can be acquired somehow. There are a few things that need to be said, because this is something that is very close to my heart.

As many of you have noticed, I have blogged only very sparingly this year. This is due to the fact that I focused on other projects rather than working on the engine.

Back in 2014, when Epic Games announced that the Unreal Engine would be available for just $19 a month, I was intimidated. CryEngine jumped suit, I believed Unity would surely do so as well, everybody would be using any of those three engines, and there would be no interest in things like Molecule anymore. GDC 2015 further fueled my fear, with the announcement that the Unreal Engine would now be free to use.

The whole engine business landscape has shifted a lot in recent years, forcing me to rethink decisions and plans I had for Molecule’s future, as well as mine.

But I only recently realized something very important: I had let somebody else’s business decisions turn me from my course.
Whenever I work on the engine side of things, I am 100% committed to my work, and I absolutely believe in it. My productivity doubles, my motivation heightens, and my mood improves. It’s what I truly love, and I know that now.

I understand now that there is still a place for things like Molecule. It may never compete with the likes of big behemoths like Unreal, Unity and CryEngine, but it has a right to exist. And I will keep my eyes open for opportunities to put the whole engine or parts of it to use. There are many people out there who want to know about the inner workings of an engine, ready to dig into low-level implementation details, always keen to learn something new. For them, Molecule could serve as a valuable learning resource. After all, there is more than one way to write an engine.

So yeah, I haven’t blogged in a while.
But that is going to change, because I have missed working on Molecule full-time. And I have missed sharing my experiences with you.

Thank you for sticking around through those quiet times, it’s much appreciated!

6 thoughts on “What happened to the Molecule Engine?

  1. Hey, I just recently stumbled upon these blogs and I have to say that these are the most extensive low level topics I found on the internet. I truly value your contribution and looks like I am lucky that I found these blogs right when you plan to start blogging again. So thanks for sharing all the wealth of knowledge.
    Also, since I may not be aware but do you have the engine’s source code online or are you planning on posting it soon?

    P.S. I just turned 16….

  2. Considering the posts of the blog and how much i have learned from it, i can say that Molecule is a damn serious Tech. I can not imagine that there is no place for Molecule out there. I dont know what kind of graphics API it uses under the hood but if Molecule will support Vulkan API (planed to be released by the end of this year) then i think it will do great also in the mobile industry but not only.
    Thank you for sharing your ideas. Eager to read more new posts.

  3. Is the code available anywhere? Focusing on the niche of game programming would be depressing cause how can one compete against the establishment. However, your solution is needed in domains that goes beyond game development. I would love to use this in web development. Say goodbye to PHP, Java’s JSP and all the others. Please seriously consider sharing with the greater C++ community. P.S. I would rather use yours than the “Runtime-Compiled C++ project” since yours is one .cpp to one dll/so.

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