Game Engine Gems 3

I’m proud and excited to announce that both my proposals for Game Engine Gems 3 have been accepted! The book is due GDC 2016, so make sure to pick it up once it’s released.

Hopefully this will get me back into the habit of writing a bit more. I have plenty of new (and also old!) topics to write about, but I’m really lacking the time at the moment.

A blast from the past

I recently came across several old projects I did almost 20 years ago, and thought about how to preserve them so they aren’t lost again. I already believed them to be lost once, until a classmate approached me and told me what he had found on some of the old floppy disks he had lying around.

And what better place is there to conserve things than the internet?

Continue reading

Input Evaluation SDK available for download

I’m proud to announce that the first evaluation SDK for our input technology is now available! A new version of the core technology has also been released, with some minor additions and improvements.

Check out for more information on the input library. Further SDKs will follow during the next few months.

Game Connection Paris 2012 slides

The slides for both the master class and the session I held at the Game Connection in Paris are now available:

Master class: Memory Management Strategies (PPT, PDF).

Session: Debugging memory stomps and other atrocities (PPT, PDF).

A big “Thank you!” to all the people who attended, I really enjoyed working with you. Looking forward to seeing some of you again next year!

Join my master class at Game Connection Paris

I’m happy to announce that I’ll be holding a master class about memory management strategies at Game Connection, which will take place Nov. 28-30 in Paris. In this 7h master class we will discuss a wealth of different topics regarding memory management, and take a much more detailed look at things I’ve written about in my blog. I’ll try to create a good mixture between technical details and practice sessions.

I’ll also be giving a talk about debugging memory stomps on the following day.

It would be a pleasure to meet up with some of you there!

Three months of blogging

After a bit more than three months of blogging, this blog has already managed to accumulate more than 3000 hits – thank you for reading, keep spreading the word!

Besides, I’ve recently been accepted as a writer for #altdevblogaday, so expect to see some technical articles there as well. My first blog post went live on Tuesday – I’m happy to be part of such a passionate community!


Finally, another game-development blog sees the light of day. What to expect? Posts related to different aspects of game engine programming (low-level, graphics, tools, …), a gush of useful C++ techniques, and other things that cross my mind while working on the Molecule game engine.