Adventures in data-oriented design – Part 4: Skinning it to 11

Having finished the third part of this series about data ownership, we will turn our attention to performance optimizations and data layout again in this post. More specifically, we will detail how character skinning can be optimized with a few simple code and data changes.

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Adventures in data-oriented design – Part 2: Hierarchical data

One task that is pretty common in game development is to transform data according to some sort of hierarchical layout. Today, we want to take a look at probably the most well-known example of such a task: transforming joints according to a skeleton hierarchy.

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Adventures in data-oriented design – Part 1: Mesh data

Let’s face it, performance on modern processors (be it PCs, consoles or mobiles) is mostly governed by memory access patterns. Still, data-oriented design is considered something new and novel, and only slowly creeps into programmers’ brains, and this really needs to change. Having co-workers fix your code and improving its performance really is no excuse for writing crappy code (from a performance point-of-view) in the first place.

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