Implementing a semi-automatic structure-of-arrays data container

In performance-sensitive applications like games it is crucial to access data in a cache-friendly manner. Especially when dealing with a large number of objects of the same type, e.g. individual components in an entity-component-architecture, we should make sure to read as little data as possible. However, simple arrays-of-structures are often not suited for this, with structures-of-arrays yielding better performance. But the latter are not natively supported by the C++ language.

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Input Evaluation SDK available for download

I’m proud to announce that the first evaluation SDK for our input technology is now available! A new version of the core technology has also been released, with some minor additions and improvements.

Check out for more information on the input library. Further SDKs will follow during the next few months.

Adventures in data-oriented design – Part 2: Hierarchical data

One task that is pretty common in game development is to transform data according to some sort of hierarchical layout. Today, we want to take a look at probably the most well-known example of such a task: transforming joints according to a skeleton hierarchy.

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Building a load-balanced task scheduler – Part 4: False sharing

Even though a task scheduler can help with alleviating the burden of having to distribute small pieces of work to different threads, it cannot help preventing a few issues common in multi-threaded programming, especially in multi-processor environments.

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Building a load-balanced task scheduler – Part 1: Basics

With multicore hardware becoming the norm in both PC/console-based gaming as well as on mobile platforms, it is crucial to take advantage of every processor core and thread being thrown at us developers. Therefore, it is important to build technology alleviating the task of writing correct, multi-threaded code.

In order to achieve that, this series will try to explain how to build a load-balancing, work-stealing task scheduler.

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volatile != thread synchronization

Everybody knows that writing correct multithreaded code is hard, even when using proper synchronization primitives like mutexes, critical sections, and the likes. (Ab)using the volatile keyword for synchronization purposes makes a programmer’s life even harder – read on if you care to know why, and help spreading the word.

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A content pipeline for fast iteration times

A fast content pipeline is crucial for today’s engines, allowing the user to quickly iterate on features, assets, etc. Molecule’s content pipeline enables hot-reloading of every asset the engine understands (textures, models, shaders, …), while retaining blazingly fast loading times.

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Gamma-correct rendering

Eventhough gamma-correct rendering is absolutely crucial in order to get good and realistic lighting results, many programmers (sadly) still don’t care about it. Today, I want to show how different the visual results of lighting in gamma-space vs. linear-space actually are, and what you can do about it.

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Adventures in data-oriented design – Part 1: Mesh data

Let’s face it, performance on modern processors (be it PCs, consoles or mobiles) is mostly governed by memory access patterns. Still, data-oriented design is considered something new and novel, and only slowly creeps into programmers’ brains, and this really needs to change. Having co-workers fix your code and improving its performance really is no excuse for writing crappy code (from a performance point-of-view) in the first place.

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SIMD’ifying multi-platform math

Nowadays, with each platform (even mobiles) supporting some sort of SIMD registers and operations, it is crucial for every codebase/engine to fully utilize the underlying SIMD functionality. However, SIMD instruction sets, registers and types vary for each platform, and sometimes between compilers as well.

This blog post explains how a platform-agnostic SIMD implementation can be built, without having to port large portions of the codebase for each new supported platform.

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Wiring physical devices to abstract inputs

In an earlier post, we discussed different methods of gathering keyboard input in Windows. Today, we will cover how multi-platform and multi-device input can be handled in a straightforward way, showing a very efficient implementation of the underlying parts.

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